А чего все так возмущаются-то?
Николай Чернов пишет:
А чего все так возмущаются-то?
Официальная "цель":
Официальные средства (частично):
National Endowment of Democracy (Член совета директоров - дедушка Бжезинский)
Golos Association
To restructure its regional offices. Golos will reregister its 40 regional offices, subordinating each office to one of six interregional foundations based in Moscow, Samara, Pskov, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, and Chelyabinsk. It will also train foundation leaders to coordinate the network's activities and instruct local staff on carrying out legal and financial reporting.
Regional Civic Organization in Defense of Democratic Rights and Initiatives (GOLOS)
To increase citizens' participation in the decision-making process by educating them and providing them with the necessary tools to advocate for their interests and protect their rights on a local level. GOLOS will conduct public hearings, signature collection campaigns, hold conferences and distribute brochures with the purpose of encouraging and publicizing issue based citizen activism in Russia's regions.
Regional Civic Organization in Defense of Democratic Rights and Liberties "GOLOS"
To carry out a detailed analysis of the autumn 2010 and spring 2011 election cycles in Russia, which will include press monitoring, monitoring of political agitation, activity of electoral commissions, and other aspects of the application of electoral legislation in the long-term run-up to the elections. GOLOS will hold local and national press conferences and publish reports on its findings, as well as provide detailed methodological advice to its monitors and other monitoring agencies.
5900 активистов наблюдателей это практически такая же смешная история как и в центр "Смехопанорама" в российских партнерах. А так же "Агора", финансируемая Тайдсом(2008, 2009)
Какие 5900 активистов?
Буагага и кто тут, пардон, жулики и воры?
Емае! Дурит однокурсник Литвинович Саша Кынев грантодателей - со страшной силой. В перерывах между фотографированием мальчиков и экзотических бабочек...
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